Through the Hosting Control Panel, you will be able to watch over all aspects of your online presence. You will have access to comprehensive figures, which will give you real–time information on the hosting resources your websites are consuming along with the visits they are having. You’ll also find various specific info about Hit Giant Hosting’s system as a whole. The info is split into portions, allowing you to quickly find your way around.

Server Info

Check out specifics of your hosting server

If you wish to check out what is the present syndication of PHP or MySQL or the Operating System of the web server where your cloud hosting account is positioned, go to the Server Data area of the Hosting Control Panel. There you will also get information about the set–up Perl modules, the incoming and outbound email servers, along with the actual IP address your hosting server.

You will find the hosting server data table in the Statistics area of the Hit Giant Hosting Hosting Control Panel.

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Access & Error Listing

Discover how visitors communicate with your site

In the Access & Error Logs part of the Hit Giant Hosting Hosting Control Panel, you can easily trigger and keep an eye on the access and error logs for any web sites hosted within your shared web hosting plans account. The access log is actually a report on the files featured on your website (including text files, photo files, video files, and so on) that readers have demanded to look at.

The error log is actually a set of all of the caution and malfunction messages involving your site. It helps you avoid any kind of eventual issues with the website’s operation.

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Web Traffic Statistics

Monitor the traffic to your site in the greatest detail

By way of the web statistics instruments integrated into the Hit Giant Hosting Hosting Control Panel, you are able to keep track of the visitors on your website in the greatest detail. You can choose among two famous interfaces – Webalizer and Awstats, both of which make available to you more information about the visitors to your website in addition to the website content they request to view on a day–to–day, weekly and monthly basis.

There is no need to configure anything in advance to receive traffic reports for your websites. Within the Traffic Statistics area of the Hosting Control Panel, just simply open the statistics report for any selected host and view the info you need for your Internet marketing campaigns.

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CPU Stats

Monitor your websites’ CPU load

The hosting server’s CPU is really important for the connection between your site and its visitors. The more complex and resource–absorbing your sites are, greater amount of server resources and CPU time will be needed for them to function.

From the CPU statistics part of the Hosting Control Panel, it will be easy to observe the employment of CPU resources accumulated by each of your web sites. This will enable you to consider appropriate actions and improve your websites if the CPU consumption allowance has been reached. You will find all–inclusive CPU statistics for each day and month as well as for an entire year.

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