Optional Admin Services

  • Monitoring & Rebooting
  • Monitoring & Rebooting

  • When you are way too busy working on your websites or developing your web apps, you scarcely have time to keep an eye on what is going on with the VPS – if it is under excessive load or if all the services are running just fine. With our Optional Admin Services solution, we’ll do this instead of you. Your VPS will be included in the custom–made monitoring system and each time there’s a sign of a trouble, our system administrators will be informed straight away.

  • Backup Space (50 GB)
  • Weekly Backups

  • In case you run a busy website or a data–heavy web app, it’s of crucial importance to have a full back–up copies of everything. Unfortunately, configuring an automatic backup solution is tough. That is the reason why we offer you our Optional Admin Services package – we pledge to maintain a full backup copy of your VPS hosting plan, not just of your websites and hosted content, but of all the custom configuration settings that you have added. Our backup scripts run every week, retaining all the configurations that you have made during that period.

  • Installation & Troubleshooting
  • Installation & Troubleshooting

  • While a Virtual Private Server offers you a practically infinite number of options, you will often need to install additional software programs. And this is where our Installation & Troubleshooting service can come in real handy. It is an essential part of our Optional Admin Services offer, which permits you to call for any of our qualified system administrators to install and set up any software program and to rectify any issue that you’re having with your VPS.

    Our Optional Admin Services package comes bundled with most of our OpenVZ VPS Hosting Plans. It is an add–on for our KVM VPS Hosting Plans.

Available with all of our VPS Servers