There are several ways in which you can touch base with the hosting company whose services you’re using, but the one that you’ll invariably find no matter which company you pick is a trouble ticket system. It’s the least complicated method of communication for a number of reasons. If no representative is available at the moment and they are all occupied, a phone call may not be replied to, but a ticket will always be received. On top of that, you can copy & paste large pieces of information without worrying about misprints, and in case a specific issue requires more time to be resolved or a number of replies need to be exchanged, all the info will be in the very same place, so each party can always see the comments written by the other one. The negative side of using tickets to contact your hosting company is that they are typically separate from the hosting platform, which means that if you need to provide information or to follow directions, you’ll need to use at least 2 separate interfaces and this number can rise in case you’d like to administer a number of domain names. Plus, a lot of web hosting providers respond to tickets after a few hours, or even once in every 24 hours, and for you as a client, this simply means wasted time while awaiting a response.

Integrated Ticketing System in Shared Web Hosting

Our shared web hosting plans come bundled with an integrated ticketing system, which is an essential part of our custom-created Hepsia Control Panel. As opposed to other similar tools, Hepsia will enable you to manage everything related to the web hosting service itself in one location – invoices, website files, e-mails, tickets, etc., eliminating the necessity to use different admin consoles. If you have any technical or pre-sales questions or any difficulties, you can submit a ticket with just a couple of clicks of the mouse without ever signing out of your Control Panel. In the meantime, you may choose a category and our system will offer you a number of help articles, which will provide you with additional information and which may help you solve any given problem even before you actually open a ticket. We guarantee a trouble ticket response time of no more than sixty minutes, even in case it’s a weekend or a public holiday.

Integrated Ticketing System in Semi-dedicated Servers

The trouble ticket system that we’re using is built into the Hepsia hosting Control Panel, which we’ve developed for our Linux semi-dedicated plans, so you won’t require an additional platform to touch base with our customer support team – you can do that on the spot if you experience an issue. Opening a new ticket takes a few clicks and finding an older one is just as simple. With our clever search functionality, you can quickly find any ticket that you’ve already sent. You can open a ticket at any particular moment as our customer support staff members are available to you 7 days a week and answer in less than sixty minutes, even though it rarely takes that much to obtain support. With the Hepsia Control Panel, you’ll have everything in a single location and you can just forget about the need to go through 2 or more platforms to fix a simple issue.