As script-driven applications collect their info within a database, adding more info to this kind of Internet site won't lead to a larger size of the application files, but in a larger size of the database the site employs. If you happen to run a WordPress blog, for instance, the disk space its database employs will expand anytime you add new posts and website visitors leave responses beneath them. An expanding database could become a problem if the web hosting account which you use has limited space and sometimes even plans with unlimited space in general still have limited database space. Once you reach the limit, you won't be able to add new content. Other probable results are that your site may not work the way it ought to or that it might not appear online at all, which could result in lost customers.

MySQL Database Storage in Shared Web Hosting

Because of our custom cloud hosting platform, we could offer unlimited space for the MySQL databases that you create inside your shared web hosting account. Unlike many website hosting companies which run everything on one web server, we have a whole cluster that manages only the databases and nothing else. For that reason, not only is the efficiency better, but the cluster capacity is also inexhaustible as we can easily add more servers anytime if required. This way your websites could keep evolving without limits. You can import or export any database no matter what its size using the Hepsia web hosting CP and the phpMyAdmin tool, you can use to handle your databases. If you need assistance, you can always check out our video tutorials or get in touch with our support representatives who shall assist you with any database-related questions within the hour.

MySQL Database Storage in Semi-dedicated Servers

The Linux semi-dedicated plans we offer use a custom cloud platform in which the files, databases and e-mail messages are managed by their own clusters of machines. Simply put, when you use this type of plan, you’ll no longer need to worry about the size of your databases due to the fact that there's essentially no limit for the database space - we can keep adding as many HDDs or entire servers to the cluster as needed. Consequently, any MySQL-based website that you host inside the semi-dedicated account could evolve without any limitations. Via the phpMyAdmin tool, which could be accessed from the Hepsia website hosting Control Panel, you'll be able to import or export your databases with a couple of mouse clicks no matter how large they are. In case you lack previous experience with such matters, you can ask our tech support for assistance.