If you ever encounter a problem with your site and are incapable of rectifying it on your own, ask the respective hosting company’s customer support staff to assist you to get the site back online. A fast resolution would be the most optimal scenario, but many companies respond within 24 hours and even more, especially if you are working with a reseller. Even if the problem can be quickly solved, your website may not work satisfactorily or it may not be reachable whatsoever for a prolonged time period, so you may lose prospective customers as it is highly unlikely that anyone would be dying to come back to a website that is out of order. With that said, you ought to make certain not only that you can touch base with your hosting company, but also that they can reply and assist you in a timely manner. If a software app update does not go as planned or if you erase something incidentally, for example, the site must be fixed promptly in order to prevent elongated unavailability.

One-Hour Response Guarantee in Shared Web Hosting

Our shared web hosting plans come bundled with a sixty-minute reply guarantee, which means that irrespective of what query or predicament you may have, we will always be there to lend a hand. The fact is, it seldom takes more than 30 minutes to get an issue resolved or a query answered, and this is valid for both technical and sales matters. Our customer service team members are available 24-7, even on national holidays and weekends, which goes to say that you will get prompt support whenever you need it. We realize how expensive time can be, so by the time we respond to your e-mail or ticket, we’ll have looked into the issue and, if we haven’t discovered a solution, we’ll give you more info on what you have to do on your end – when the situation requires it. With our support services, you can be sure that there will be somebody to lend you a hand instantaneously, regardless of what time of day or night it is.

One-Hour Response Guarantee in Semi-dedicated Servers

We guarantee that if you submit a tech support ticket from your web hosting Control Panel or write an email associated with your semi-dedicated server, you’ll receive a response within less than 1 hour. You can touch base with us whenever you need with regard to billing, technical or general matters and considering the fact that we are working 7 days a week, you will invariably obtain assistance in no time. Based on the particular issue or question, we will give you more details, resolve the predicament if it has been caused by something that’s within our reach or advise you on what to do on your end in case you have to modify a specific setting for an Internet application that we cannot access. You can just forget about waiting around for an entire day for each answer. As a matter of fact, in most cases we reply to tickets and emails within no more than 20-25 minutes.